Comments Posted By Peggy Scolaro
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This was my first season, too, but with the very opening 2-hour episode, I became instantly hooked and have not missed a single show since. My entire schedule revolves around Monday night at 9:00! Mondays immediately became my favorite day of the week. It was great when the realization hit on Sunday night, "Tomorrow is 24!" or during a Monday, while teaching class, to look at the clock and think, "Only 8 hours and 17 minutes until 24!" This week was enormously satisfying in many ways: Martha's smirk as Logan was led away with federal marshalls was delicious, and Jack's tender reunion with Audrey was so touching. However, I have to admit that I was devastated with the ending when Jack was captured and kidnapped; I so wanted our hero to be able to enjoy at least a little down time with Audrey, or, hey, how about a nap? But when the words "Returning January 2007" appeared on the screen, I stared in disbelief and frustration. It never occurred to me that we would have to wait so long for the new season. The long stretch of Mondays betwen now and January now seems almost unbearably bleak. Today my first disk of Season One arrived, so I'll be watching Jack's adventures from the very beginning, hoping I can stretch all seasons out until January. I look forward to checking out your blog in January. Thanks for your great commentary!

Comment Posted By Peggy Scolaro On 25.05.2006 @ 19:50

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